Friday, July 8, 2011


This one may come across too strong but I woke up thinking about this so here it goes.

76% of Americans claim to be Christians.  There are 310,749,195 people in the United States.  That means that roughly 240,000,000 million people say they are christians.  I am provoked at this and call NO WAY!  There is NO WAY that many people are Christians and we still have the issues and non-transformational communities and cities that we have.  There is no way that many people can be Christians and yet we have over 700,000 people homeless in our country.  There is no way that many people can be Christians and yet there are only around 120,000 adoptions each year.  There is no way that many people can be Christians.  WHAT IF just 1% of those who claim to be Christians woke up to the truth about what it really means...

Can you imagine 2.4 million people loving their neighbor as themselves!  
Can you imagine 2.4 million people seeking to restore people caught in ANY trespass!
Can you imagine 2.4 million people who know their job is to edify and build up and never tear down!
Can you imagine 2.4 million people realizing that Jesus is IN THEM...what would they do!??!?!?
Can you imagine 2.4 million people that choose to stop looking at self issues, self problems, self stuff, and started looking and asking the question...who can I reach out to, love, and pour into today!
Can you imagine 2.4 million people on fire to fulfill their purpose and to walk in their calling and to become the solution to the problems of this day instead of seeking what they want to do for a career and to make money!
Can you imagine 2.4 million people rising up to speak truth in love!

I could go on and on but I won't.  Feel free to add your own "Can you imagine"...would love to hear them!  

1% of the passionate can affect the 99% who are lukewarm and lethargic.  1%.  Again, I am provoked.  Wake up people!  Be who you are called to be!  Realize WHO YOU ARE and more importantly WHO IS IN YOU!  That means if just 3 people in a lukewarm church of 300 would get provoked and become so sick and tired of the status quo and the mediocrity and the Sunday morning socials...that they may actually spark others into seeing that there is SO MUCH MORE!!!!  Be the one.  Choose to be passionate, and a builder, and a lover, and one that seeks to reach out.  Choose to go deeper and deeper.  Choose to not settle with the problems you see and not to be overwhelmed and to think that JUST ONE can't affect change.  Yes you can.  It has to start somewhere...might as well be with you.

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