Friday, July 8, 2011

Availability precedes possibility

I was recently asked to speak for our Friday night SOS meeting.  As soon as I was asked I heard/saw the word, I wrote it down.  I realized that the day before, in church, I had heard the word, I wrote it down.  I love the way the Lord gives us bits and pieces!  I began to pray about those two words and as I was riding my bike the next night the Lord said to me..."Availability precedes possibility".  Wow.

The suffix ITY means to be in a state or condition of.  So, availability means to be in a state of being available.  Unity would mean being in a state of oneness.  Activity means being in a state of being active...and so get the picture.

The Lord wants us to begin to be a people who LIVE IN A CONSTANT STATE OR CONDITION OF BEING AVAILABLE!  Available means ready for use, at hand, readily obtainable and accessible.  How do you act when you are available?  Ready, prepared, senses sharp, waiting with expectation, present, seeking, on go, eager for what awaits.  It is time for us to get unencumbered by all that preoccupies us so that we can be available.  I had to clear my plate two years ago...and seek, wait, make myself available for whatever HE wanted.  

So, that state precedes in a state of possible!!  "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!"  That word WITH in the hebrew means:  properly near, beside, in proximity to. It is so much more than a nice scripture that we say when things feel impossible. It is a deep truth that we really need to grasp. If we are with God (properly near, in proximity to) impossibility cannot even exist for it cannot be in His presence!!! Can you see it??? IMPOSSIBILITY CANNOT EXIST IN PROXIMITY TO HIM!!!! We have accessibility and availability NOW to the kingdom of heaven where, because of proximity to Him impossibility cannot even exist!!!

It is time for us to be properly near, beside, in a state of mind and a condition of heart, to be ready for use and walking in total belief, completely relying upon God's ability and not our own and KNOWING that all things are possible because we are available and so near to Him that impossibility has to flee!!!  Believe it, see it, grasp it, and walk in it!!  

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